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网友  百度空间     编辑:德仔   图片来源:网络
1. Open the Domino directory. 2. Select the Server view. 3. Select Programs view. 4. Cli

1. Open the Domino directory.
2. Select the Server view.
3. Select Programs view.
4. Click Add Program.
5. Under the Basics tab and in the field Program name enter: nserver (for iSeries, enter server).
6. In the Command line enter: -c “restart server” (the quotes surrounding “restart server” are necessary).
7. Fill in the Server to run on field and also set a schedule under the Schedule tab. The server does not need to be rebooted for this Program document to take effect.

Caution: If your server requires a password at start up, the server will shut down and restart, but will sit and wait for the password to be manually entered.

本文作者:网友 来源:百度空间
CIO之家 www.ciozj.com 微信公众号:imciow