Field name |
Returns |
Auth_Type |
If the server supports user authentication and the script is protected, this is the protocol-specific authentication method used to validate the user.如果服务器支持用户验证而且 Script 被保护,这是用于校验用户的特定协议的验证方法。 |
Content_Length |
The length of the content, as given by the client.内容的长度,与客户机给出的相同。 |
Content_Type |
For queries that have attached information, such as HTTP POST and PUT, this is the content type of the data.对于带有附加信息的查询,比如 HTTP POST 和 PUT,这是数据的内容类型。 |
Gateway_Interface |
The version of the CGI spec with which the server complies.服务器所遵守的 CGI 规范版本。 |
HTTP_Accept |
The MIME types that the client accepts, as specified by HTTP headers.客户机接受的 MIME 类型,通过 HTTP 标题指定。 |
HTTP_Accept_language |
The languages that the client accepts, as specified by HTTP headers.客户机接受的语言,通过 HTTP 标题指定。 |
HTTP_Referer |
The URL of the page the user used to get here.用户经常访问的页面的 URL 地址。 |
Indicates if SSL mode is enabled for the server.
指示服务器是否启用 SSL 模式。
The common name on the x.509 certificate
The issuer of the x.509 certificate
x.509 验证字的发行者
The session key during an SSL session. For example, 40-bit, 128-bit.
HTTP_User_Agent |
The browser that the client is using to send the request. |
Path_Info |
The extra path information (from the server’s root HMTL directory), as given by the client. In other words, scripts can be accessed by their virtual path name, followed by extra information that is sent as PATH_INFO. |
Path_Info_Decoded |
Returns the same as Path_Info, but decodes the string. For example, if a URL references a view name that contains characters that are not allowed a URL, the name is encoded. This CGI variable decodes the string. Path_Info_Decoded is available to Domino applications only. |
Path_Translated |
The server provides a translated version of PATH_INFO, which takes the path and does any virtual-to-physical mapping to it.
服务器提供 PATH_INFO 的翻译版本,它获得路径并能对其进行从虚拟地址到物理地址的任何映射。
Query_String |
The information that follows the question mark (?) in the URL that referenced this script. 地址 ? 后的信息,或在某些情况下是引用此 Script 的 URL 中位于 !* 后的信息。
Note If your Domino server is configured to allow search engines to search your Web site Domino will generate URLs with an exclamation mark (!) instead of a question mark (?). If this is the case the Query_String CGI variable includes the information that follows the exclamation mark (!). Domino always recognizes both the question mark (?) and the exclamation mark (!), but only generates URLs with the exclamation mark (!) if your site is accessible to Web search engines. Generating URLs with an exclamation mark (!) makes them more searchable.
Query_String_Decoded |
Returns the same as Query_String, but decodes the string. For example, if a URL references a view name that contains characters that are not allowed in a URL, the name is encoded. This CGI variable decodes that string. Path_Info_Decoded is available to Domino applications only.
返回值与 Query_String 相同,但是将字符串解码。例如:如果 URL 引用了一个包含不允许出现在 URL 中的字符的视图名称,此名称会被编码。此 CGI 变量将字符串解码。Path_Info_Decoded 仅对于 Domino 应用程序可用。
Remote_Addr |
The IP address of the remote host making the request.
发出请求的远程主机的 IP 地址。
Remote_Host |
The name of the host making the request.
Remote_Ident |
This variable will be set to the remote user name retrieved from the server. Use this variable only for logging.
Remote_User |
Authentication method that returns the authenticated user name.
Request_Content |
Supported only for agents. Contains the data sent with an HTTP POST request. The data is usually “URLencoded,” consisting of name=value pairs concatenated by ampersands. For example, FirstName=John&LastName=Doe
仅由代理支持。包含使用 HTTP POST 请求发送的数据。此数据经常是“URL 编码的”,由用“&”连接的 name=value 对组成。例如: FirstName=John&LastName=Doe
Request_Content_nnn |
Used when the amount of data to be sent with an HTTP POST request exceeds the 64K limit. The first 64K of data is sent in Request_Content_000, the second 64K of data is sent in Request_Content_001, and so on. |
Request_Method |
The method used to make the request. For HTTP, this is “GET,” “HEAD,” “POST,” and so on.
用于发出请求的方法。对于 HTTP,是“GET”、“HEAD”、“POST” 等等。
Script_Name |
A virtual path to the script being executed, used for self-referencing URLs.
到被执行的 Script 的虚拟路径,用于自引用的 URL。
Server_Name |
The server’s host name, DNS alias, or IP address as it would appear in self-referencing URLs.
服务器的宿主名称、DNS 别名或 IP 地址,将出现在自引用的 URL 中。
Server_Protocol |
The name and revision of the information protocol accompanying this request.
Server_Port |
The port to which the request was sent.
Server_Software |
The name and version of the information server software running the CGI program.
运行 CGI 程序的信息服务器软件的名称和版本。
Server_URL_Gateway_Interface |
The version of the CGI spec with which the server complies.
服务器遵守的 CGI 规范的版本。