public delegate string PopupWindow();
public class DataGridPopupColumn: DataGridTextBoxColumn
private Panel pnlPopup;//Basic control for column
private System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager _source = null;
private int _rowNum;
public static int _RowCount = -1;
PopupWindow PopupWindowHandle;
public DataGridPopupColumn( PopupWindow ShowPopupWindow ) : base()
// Init class members
PopupWindowHandle = ShowPopupWindow;
pnlPopup = new Panel();
// Define event handler
pnlPopup.Leave += new EventHandler( LeavePanel );
pnlPopup.Click += new EventHandler( ClickPanel );
pnlPopup.Paint += new PaintEventHandler( PaintPanel );
private void LeavePanel( object sender, EventArgs e )
pnlPopup.Hide();//Hide panel
private void ClickPanel( object sender, EventArgs e )
// Show a window to select value
object objReturn = this.pnlPopup.Parent.Invoke( PopupWindowHandle );
if( objReturn != null )
// Get value from window result
this.TextBox.Text = objReturn.ToString();
// Save it to data source
SetColumnValueAtRow( _source, _rowNum, this.TextBox.Text);
// Re-draw panel
private void PaintPanel( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
// Set panel size
pnlPopup.Width = this.TextBox.Width;
pnlPopup.Height = this.TextBox.Height;
// Draw back ground same as current cell
Graphics gPanel = e.Graphics;
gPanel.FillRectangle( new SolidBrush( this.TextBox.BackColor ),
0,0, this.pnlPopup.Width, this.pnlPopup.Height );
// Draw text in panel
StringFormat sfText = new StringFormat();
sfText.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
sfText.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
new SolidBrush( this.TextBox.ForeColor ),
new Rectangle( new Point( 0, 0 ),
new Size( pnlPopup.Width, pnlPopup.Height ) ),
sfText );
// Draw a triangle in the right side of panel
SolidBrush sbBlack = new SolidBrush( Color.Black );
const float TRI_HEIGHT = 6F;
PointF[] ptTriangle = new PointF[3]{
new PointF( pnlPopup.Width - 5 - 12, ( pnlPopup.Height - TRI_HEIGHT ) / 2 ),
new PointF( pnlPopup.Width - 5 , ( pnlPopup.Height - TRI_HEIGHT ) / 2 ),
new PointF( pnlPopup.Width - 5 - 6, ( pnlPopup.Height + TRI_HEIGHT ) / 2 )
gPanel.FillPolygon( sbBlack, ptTriangle );
protected override void Edit( System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager source,
int rowNum, System.Drawing.Rectangle bounds,
bool readOnly, string instantText, bool cellIsVisible )
//on very first pass, set this static member to number of items in tables
if(_RowCount == -1)
_RowCount = source.Count;
//check to see if we are on the new row
if(_RowCount < source.Count)
// remove the one that has been added
// and add a new to sync
_RowCount = source.Count;
base.Edit(source,rowNum, bounds, readOnly, instantText , cellIsVisible);
_rowNum = rowNum;
_source = source;
// Init panel
pnlPopup.Parent = this.TextBox.Parent;
pnlPopup.Location = this.TextBox.Location;
pnlPopup.Size = new Size(this.TextBox.Size.Width, this.TextBox.Size.Height);
// Show panel
pnlPopup.Invalidate();// Modified by Knight on Apr.18, 2006
pnlPopup.Visible = true;
protected override bool Commit( System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager dataSource,
int rowNum )
return true;
/// <summary>
/// A method declared for popup-column
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private string PopupWindow()
frmPopup myPopup = new frmPopup();
if( myPopup.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK )
return myPopup.SelectedItem;
return null;
private void CreateEmployeeTable( out DataTable dtEmployee )
dtEmployee = new DataTable();
dtEmployee.TableName = "EmployeeInfo";
//Set data columns
dtEmployee.Columns.Add( "EmployeeID", typeof( int ) );
dtEmployee.Columns.Add( "Department", typeof( string ) );
dtEmployee.Columns.Add( "Name", typeof( string ) );
dtEmployee.Columns.Add( "Phone", typeof( string ) );
dtEmployee.Columns.Add( "Address", typeof( string ) );
// Add data
dtEmployee.Rows.Add( new object[]{ 1, "Sales", "Sales1", "*****","*****" } );
dtEmployee.Rows.Add( new object[]{ 2, "Sales", "Sales2", "*****","*****" } );
dtEmployee.Rows.Add( new object[]{ 3, "HR", "HR1", "*****","*****" } );
dtEmployee.Rows.Add( new object[]{ 4, "HR", "HR2", "*****","*****" } );
dtEmployee.Rows.Add( new object[]{ 5, "Tech", "Tech1", "*****","*****" } );
dtEmployee.Rows.Add( new object[]{ 6, "Tech", "Tech2", "*****","*****" } );
dtEmployee.Rows.Add( new object[]{ 7, "Software", "Software1", "*****","*****" } );
dtEmployee.Rows.Add( new object[]{ 8, "Software", "Software2", "*****","*****" } );
private void CreateDataSet()
myDataSet = new DataSet();
DataTable dtEmployee;
CreateEmployeeTable( out dtEmployee );
myDataSet.Tables.Add( dtEmployee );
private void AddTableStyle()
DataGridTableStyle ts1 = new DataGridTableStyle();
ts1.MappingName = "EmployeeInfo";
DataGridTextBoxColumn TextCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
TextCol.MappingName = "EmployeeID";
TextCol.HeaderText = "Employee ID";
TextCol.Width = 80;
// Add popup column with event method
DataGridPopupColumn PopupTextCol = new DataGridPopupColumn(
new PopupWindow( PopupWindow ) );
PopupTextCol.MappingName = "Department";
PopupTextCol.HeaderText = "Department";
PopupTextCol.Width = 100;
ts1.GridColumnStyles.Add( PopupTextCol );
TextCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
TextCol.MappingName = "Name";
TextCol.HeaderText = "Name";
TextCol.Width = 100;
TextCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
TextCol.MappingName = "Phone";
TextCol.HeaderText = "Phone";
TextCol.Width = 100;
TextCol = new DataGridTextBoxColumn();
TextCol.MappingName = "Address";
TextCol.HeaderText = "Address";
TextCol.Width = 150;
//add the custom table style to the datagrid table styles
private void BindData()
dtgUserInfo.SetDataBinding( myDataSet, "EmployeeInfo");
private void frmComboxDB_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
public string SelectedItem
if( lstDepInfo.SelectedItem != null )
return lstDepInfo.SelectedItem.ToString();
return null;
private void frmPopup_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
lstDepInfo.Items.Add( "Sales" );
lstDepInfo.Items.Add( "HR" );
lstDepInfo.Items.Add( "Tech" );
lstDepInfo.Items.Add( "Software" );
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
本文作者:网友 来源:博客园愚翁专栏
CIO之家 微信公众号:imciow