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jdbc:domino is the protocol and subprotocol (the subprotocol is specific to this JDBC driver).
<filename> is the fully qualified file name or the name relative to the Notes data directory.
<server> is the Domino server name.
<keyword> is chosen from the table below.
<attribute> is an appropriate value from the table below.

Domino Driver for JDBC URL Keywords

Keyword Minimum Maximum Default Description
MaxSubquery 1 100 20 This parameter specifies the maximum number of nested subqueries in a SQL statement.
MaxStmtLen 2 32767 4096 This parameter specifies the maximum length of an SQL statement passed to prepare, execute, executeQuery, or executeUpdate.
MaxRels 1 100 20 This parameter specifies the maximum number of tables in a single SQL statement.
MaxVarcharLen 2 15360 254 This parameter specifies the maximum number of bytes Lotus Domino Driver for JDBC allows in a string associated with a text field. This limits the number of characters returned from a Domino text field and the length of a string to be inserted into a Domino text field.
MaxLongVarcharLen 2 15360 512 This parameter is similar to MaxVarcharLen, but it applies to rich text fields.
KeepTempIdx 0 1 0 This option controls the saving of temporary indexes. Set to 1, temporary indexes will be saved until disconnect() is called. Set to 0, temporary indexes will be deleted at the end of each SQL statement.
ShowImplicitFlds 0 1 0 This option controls whether certain Domino fields are provided through DatabaseMetaData. Set to 0, internal fields will not be shown. Set to 1, internal fields will be shown.
MapSpecialChars 0 1 1 This option controls whether certain characters are mapped to the underscore character ( _ ). Set to 0, no mapping will occur. Set to 1, special characters will be mapped to the underscore. For details, see Mapping Domino Names to SQL Names.
ThreadTimeout 0 99,999 60 All calls are serialized so that they proceed one after the other. This parameter specifies the number of seconds one thread should wait for another thread to finish before timing out. Note that a value of 0 means wait forever.

下载:Lotes Domino For JDBC 1.5

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