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FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST 函數是用來提交一個請求的,它返回一個NUMBER值.具體調用如下 :result := fnd_requ
FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST 函數是用來提交一個請求的,它返回一個NUMBER值.具體調用如下
   :result := fnd_request.submit_request(application CHAR, --模快
                                         program CHAR,      --應用程式
                                         description CHAR,   --請求說明(可選)
                                         start_time CHAR,    --RUN 時間(可選)
                                         sub_request BOOLEAN, --立刻提交請求
                                         argument1 CHAR,   --參數1
                                         argument2 CHAR,   --參數2
                                         argument3 CHAR,   --參數3
                                         argument4 CHAR,   --參數4
                                         argument5 CHAR,   --參數5.......
                                         argument100 CHAR);
英文說明(zt oracle) :
Parameters are as follows:

application - Short name of the application associated with the concurrent  
request to be submitted.

program - Short name of the concurrent program (not the executable) for which  
the request should be submitted.

description - Description of the request that is displayed in the Concurrent  
Requests form. (Optional.)

start_time - Time at which the request should start running, formatted as HH24:
MI or HH24:MI:SS (Optional.)

sub_request - Set to TRUE if the request is submitted from another request and  
should be treated as a sub-request.

argument1...100 - Arguments for the concurrent request; up to 100  
arguments are permitted. If submitted from Oracle Forms, you must specify all  
100 arguments.

在form里面则不行,要写满105个,而且我们参数结束之后要用一个chr(0)来表示结束 关于fnd_request.submit_request的用法:
FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST 函數是用來提交一個請求的,它返回一個NUMBER值.具體調用如下
   :result := fnd_request.submit_request(application CHAR, --模快
                                         program CHAR,      --應用程式
                                         description CHAR,   --請求說明(可選)
                                         start_time CHAR,    --RUN 時間(可選)
                                         sub_request BOOLEAN, --立刻提交請求
                                         argument1 CHAR,   --參數1
                                         argument2 CHAR,   --參數2
                                         argument3 CHAR,   --參數3
                                         argument4 CHAR,   --參數4
                                         argument5 CHAR,   --參數5.......
                                         argument100 CHAR);
英文說明(zt oracle) :
Parameters are as follows:

application - Short name of the application associated with the concurrent  
request to be submitted.

program - Short name of the concurrent program (not the executable) for which  
the request should be submitted.

description - Description of the request that is displayed in the Concurrent  
Requests form. (Optional.)

start_time - Time at which the request should start running, formatted as HH24:
MI or HH24:MI:SS (Optional.)

sub_request - Set to TRUE if the request is submitted from another request and  
should be treated as a sub-request.

argument1...100 - Arguments for the concurrent request; up to 100  
arguments are permitted. If submitted from Oracle Forms, you must specify all  
100 arguments.

本文作者:网友 来源: http://hi.erp100.com/space-2010-do-blog-id-6766968.html
CIO之家 www.ciozj.com 微信公众号:imciow