using System.IO;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Text;
class Program
static SerialPort ComPort;
static ASCIIEncoding ASCIIEncoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
public static void OnSerialDataReceived(
object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs args)
string data = ComPort.ReadExisting();
Console.Write(data.Replace(“\r”, “\n”));
static void Main(string[] args)
string port = “COM1″;
int baud = 9600;
if (args.Length >= 1)
port = args[0];
if (args.Length >= 2)
baud = int.Parse(args[1]);
InitializeComPort(port, baud);
string text;
do {
= Console.ReadLine();
+ ‘\r’);
while (text.ToLower() !
= “q”);
private static void InitializeComPort(string port, int baud)
ComPort = new SerialPort(port, baud);
// ComPort.PortName = port;
// ComPort.BaudRate = baud;
ComPort.Parity = Parity.None;
ComPort.StopBits = StopBits.One;
ComPort.DataBits = 8;
ComPort.Handshake = Handshake.None;
ComPort.DataReceived += OnSerialDataReceived;
I agree, replacing ‘\r’ with ‘\n’ is a primitive way to deal with line feed issues especially considering there is a SerialPort.NewLine property.
本文作者:leezjs 来源:http://www.jinsongzhang.com
CIO之家 www.ciozj.com 微信公众号:imciow