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佚名  本站原创  Oracle  编辑:dezai  图片来源:网络
解决的方法就是在用户策略里面将你需要使用的用户授予Logon as a Batch Job的权限。 1. Click on START = Programs = Administrative Tools

解决的方法就是在用户策略里面将你需要使用的用户授予Logon as a Batch Job的权限。

1. Click on START => Programs => Administrative Tools => Local Security Policy (or also via START => Settings => Control Panel => Administrative Tools) 打开控制面板中的管理工具中的本地安全策略
2. Under Local Policies on the left, select User Rights Assignment folder
3. Look at the right side of the window and scroll down to the "Logon as Batch Job" privilege and select it. 然后找到Logon as a Batch Job(作为批处理作业登陆)这一项
4. Either select Action from the menu bar then Security or right-click on the "Logon as a Batch Job" privilege then Security.
5. Select the Add button which evokes a Select Users/Groups box.
6. From the "Look In" field, select the local workstation/server.
7. Select the User administrator.
8. Select Add then OK.

本文作者:佚名 来源:本站原创
CIO之家 www.ciozj.com 微信公众号:imciow